Nine eleven – Regime in Iran involved
Nine eleven. The regime in Iran’s role in a series of attacks against the US and the West in general throughout many years.
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Apokalyptische Ziele
Apokalyptische Ziele: Interview mit dem franko-iranischen Journalisten Armand Shahbazi über die Appeasement-Politik der Europäische Union
Ambition apocalyptique
L’ambition apocalyptique de la République islamique d’Iran et l’Union européenne.
The days after tomorrow – Aleksandr Dugin, the IRGC dominating Iran and their ideologies
Aleksandr Dugin’s ideology is based on philosophical, geopolitical and religious concepts. Afshin Sajedi explains the expansionist ideas. Dugin’s ideology displays a
Don’t think, follow! – Ali Khamenei and his ideologues misuse Islam
Don’t think, follow!
Iran originally is a rich, beautiful and well-cultured country that has been run down financially, environmentally and ideologically during the last 43 years.
A Revolution on Canvas
A Revolution on Canvas. Ein Film über Liebe, Trennung, Familie, Kunst vor, während und nach einer gestohlenen Revolution in Iran.
Hintergründe, Fotos, Berichte zu Iran. Positiv zu Land und Leuten. Neue Artikel abonnieren:
Arya Aramnejad – Iranischer Musiker in Haft
Abolfazl Abedini Nasr, Journalist
Hybrid warfare against Western civilization
Hybrid warfare. A murderous chess game between the regime in Iran with all its proxies and Israel takes up speed and seems to accelerate towards a regional war.
Todesschach, aber kein Krieg
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, new president elect?
Political Prisoner on Hunger Strike
Raisis Tod, Modschtaba Chameneis Bestrebungen
Religiöse Verfolgungen in Iran
Iran praktiziert neue Hinrichtungsart
Change through trade – time for a paradigm shift
A Revolution on Canvas
A Revolution on Canvas. Ein Film über Liebe, Trennung, Familie, Kunst vor, während und nach einer gestohlenen Revolution in Iran.
Journalisten zum Schweigen bringen
Ruhollah Zam – Stimme der Menschen in Iran
English Articles
Under menace, discriminated against, persecuted
In the course of many centuries Sufi have experienced appreciation, prosecution, mockery, veneration, outlawing and distinction. There were some women but mostly men. In times of social transformations more women show who are familiar with Sufi teachings and who strive on the Sufi path of substantial evolution.