Zarif and Pezeshkian

President Pezeshkian – getting to the core of the matter

Interview with Afshin Sajedi, Legal Advisor at the International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights (IOPHR) about the latest presidential selection, the roles of Javad Zarif and Mahmoud Pezeshkian and an into the depth analysis of Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter crash.

IGFM, Valerio Krueger

Unterstützung für Menschen in Iran

Interview mit Valerio Krüger, Pressesprecher der IGFM über die Aktivitäten der Frankfurter Menschenrechtsorganisation in Bezug auf Iran und die aktuelle Präsidentenwahl dort.

Supreme Leader Ali Chamenei

Baqiyatollah Cultural and Social Headquarters

Interview with Afshin Sajedi, Legal Advisor at the International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights (IOPHR) about Baqiyatollah Cultural and Social Headquarters, Ali Jafari’s and Hossein Taeb’s relation to Mojtaba Khamenei, and the rigging of elections.


Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, new president elect?

Qalibaf has set a record for the number of times he has run as a candidate in Iran’s presidential elections. With four nominations now, he has surpassed even Mohsen Rezaei, known for his consistent presence in all election cycles in Iran, and has broken his record.


Political Prisoner on Hunger Strike

Farzaneh Gharehassanlou, imprisoned for her involvement in Iran’s 2022 protests, has gone on hunger strike to protest the denial of urgent medical care after experiencing complete sensory loss on the left side of her body.



Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, new president elect?

Qalibaf has set a record for the number of times he has run as a candidate in Iran’s presidential elections. With four nominations now, he has surpassed even Mohsen Rezaei, known for his consistent presence in all election cycles in Iran, and has broken his record.


English Articles

Under menace, discriminated against, persecuted

In the course of many centuries Sufi have experienced appreciation, prosecution, mockery, veneration, outlawing and distinction. There were some women but mostly men. In times of social transformations more women show who are familiar with Sufi teachings and who strive on the Sufi path of substantial evolution.